Export is divided from two points of view. In the first view, export is divided into 2 types, direct and indirect, and in the second view, it can be divided into 9 parts.
Direct export
Companies whose foreign buyers encourage them to export usually use this method. Also, sellers whose exports have increased so much that they can bear the expenses of their export organization also use this method. Companies can export directly that undertake all the necessary activities to sell their products in the host country. These activities include: determining the market capacity, finding a buyer, determining distribution channels and carrying out export affairs such as preparing documents, measures related to transportation and cargo insurance.
Direct export is done in the following ways:
A) Export agents
b) Mobile sales representatives
c) Sales branch abroad
d) Export sector within the country
e) Free marketing
f) Postal order
Indirect export
Indirect export is more common among companies that have just thought about exporting. In this type of export, less capital is needed, and the company does not have to hire salespeople or execute various contracts abroad, and there is less risk for exporters. Indirect export itself can be implemented in several ways.
A) Commercial companies
b) Export management companies
c) Export cooperative organizations
Definite export
Definitive export means sending goods outside the customs territory of the country for sale or consumption in foreign countries. Definite export is exempt from paying customs duties and commercial profits, duties and taxes, but is subject to customs fees.
Temporary export
Goods that are temporarily sent abroad to fulfill a purpose and are returned after the purpose is fulfilled are called temporary exports.
Definite export in commercial volume
There is no standard or definition for the volume or commercial aspect of having goods. In Article 3 of the Export and Import Law, it is stated that undertaking the export and import of goods in a commercial manner requires having a commercial card, and regarding the criterion of the commercial nature of the goods, it has been explained as follows that the goods that are imported or exported for sale by the customs, Regardless of whether it is sold in the same form or after carrying out production operations, separation and packaging, it will be considered commercial.
Definitive non-commercial export
Definitive non-commercial export is carried out by mail and passenger.
Re-export is the export of goods that have already been imported. If the re-export is carried out through ports, free zones or warehouses under customs protection, it will not be subject to payment of customs duties.